Human-Robot Interaction: Intimate Relations
In recent years, there is an increasing interest in the human factors related to robots in the area of human–robot interaction (HRI). There are different topics of interest that are of interest to
researchers in HRI, such as robot emotions and personalities, intelligent electronic sex hardware, affective, gender, psychological, sociological, and philosophical approaches, morality, and ethics, among others. In this conference, we will present a particular intimate interaction, sex with robots and the challenges of this area of research.

Dr. Carina González is Full Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Systems at the University of La Laguna, and is also Professor at Open University of Catalonia, Spain. She got her PhD in Computer Science, specialized in AI and HCI techniques applied to people with disabilities. For over 20 years she has put her focus in the field of the technologies applied to education and human-computer interaction (intelligent tutoring systems, intelligent interfaces, human-centered design, UX, serious games, gamification, e-learning, digital culture). She has published widely on these topics. She serves on the boards of AIPO (Association Human-Computer Interaction) and ADIE (Association for the Development of Computer Education), president of the RUCV (Association University Virtual Campuses Network), IEEE Senior Member, as well as various academic committees, publishers and national and international academic conferences. She has been the academic director of several online postgraduate studies, including the Master Online in Creation of Video Games (ULL-UOC) or the 3D Design Expert and the Use of ICT for Hospital Classrooms, or professor of several MOOC courses such as Artificial Intelligence in Education or Hospital Classrooms and ICT. She has been working on gender and ICT, promoting the inclusion of women in STEAM studies and professions since 2009.
Prioritizing and ranking critical code smells
Software evolution and maintenance involve high costs in the development process, particularly as systems become larger and complex. A usual concern that makes system maintenance and evolution difficult is the existence of structural design problems, which were not sufficiently taken care of in early development stages. These design problems are often described as code smells. A code smell is a symptom in the source code that helps to identify a design problem. In this way, code smells allow developers to detect fragments of code that should be re-structured, in order to improve the quality of the system. A technique commonly used to fix code smells is refactoring. Different semi-automated tools can be applied to identify code smells in a system. However, a major limitation of existing tools is that they usually find numerous code smells. In this context, the provision of tool support for assisting the developer to quickly identify high-priority code smells becomes essential. In this talk, I will describe the main code smells identified by the community and present JSpIRIT a semi-automated approach to prioritize and fix code smells.

Santiago Vidal received the M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in computer science from UNICEN University (Tandil, Argentina) in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He is a Teacher at the Computer Science Department of UNICEN and also a research fellow of CONICET-Argentina. His main research interests include software evolution and maintenance. Santiago Vidal has authored over 40 articles, published in international and peer-reviewed scientific forums, including the most competitive journals in the field of software engineering.
Nowadays, multidisciplinary teams are more common every day. Large companies have engineers located in various departments, and even in different countries. They have to live together and interact with components developed in different programming languages and deployed anywhere in the world. In order to achieve the objectives and reduce the minimum errors and communication errors, the use of microservice-based solutions can contribute to our projects that quality points we need. The talk will focus on a brief review of the technologies that exist in the market for the development of microservices and how we can interact with each other through architectures based on API Gateways, Servive Meshes and Message Queues. Finally, a series of examples of real projects financed by the European Commission (CAMELOT, MAGNETO, and PREVISION) will be presented and the solutions used in each of them will be studied in addition to the problems encountered in the design phase and how they have been solved.

Francisco José Pérez received both his M.Sc. in big data analytics and his Ph.D. in telecommunication engineering (Dr.Ing.) from the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2017. He has more than 7 years of experience in the research area and right now he is working in the Distributed Real-Time system Lab, managing several R&D European an national projects. The group is specialized in command and control systems, virtual reality systems applied to emergency management, interoperability, wireless tactical communication systems, and training. Dr. Pérez has also bring new big data solutions to new proposals and on-going projects improving performances and work distribution. He has also under charge M.Sc and Ph.D students involved in R&D activities.
The attrition factor: Student engagement and teacher commitment in online, intercultural Higher Education settings
In the way on how students and teachers from university online environments, from different countries and cultures, suffer a process of wear and tear that leads them to feed abandonment or reluctance, and lower performance. I will present specific cases with support actions for both groups that increase their loyalty and trigger graduation and performance ratios, effectively

Prof. Dr. Daniel Burgos is a Professor of Technologies for Education and Communication (2010-) and Vice Chancellor for Transfer and Technology (UNIR Research) at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) (2016-). He is also director of the UNESCO Chairs in eLearning (2013-), and ICDE in Open Educational Resources (2014-). In addition, he directs the Institute for Educational Research, Innovation, and Technology (UNIR iTED,, 2016-). He is a visiting professor at the University of Coventry, UK (Global Learning) and at the National University of Colombia (Digital Transformation). He has worked (design, production, coordination) on various national and European competitive projects such as OpenMed, Qareer, Espaq, University Social Responsibility, Edumotion, Intuitel, Virtual Mobility Passport, eMundus, HoTEL and others. He collaborates as a special advisor to the director-general of Unesco, as European representative (2015, 2017) and president of the jury (2016, 2018) in the ICT & Education awards. He also collaborated as an international expert in the preparation of the NMC Horizon Report on Higher Education, from 2013 to 2017. He acts as a reviewer and evaluator of research projects for the European Commission, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the national agencies of Spain (ANEP), Cyprus, Croatia, Bosnia, etc. He has published 17 books and editions of special issues in indexed journals, has written 13 technical books, and more than 120 scientific publications in JCR (SCI, SSCI), Scopus, Inspec, IEEE, ACM, and other indexes. He has studied Computer Engineering (Dr. Ing), Education (Dr.), Communication (Dr.), Anthropology (Ph.D.) and Business Administration (DBA).
Scientific Computing: Shaping the Future One Bit at a Time
We all understand that we live in an era where we face complex and challenging problems. We have crowded cities, global warming, industries facing fear competition. Solutions to these problems involve complex procedures and calculations that require big amounts of computation, big amounts of data, and specialized techniques to translate from mathematical modeling to a useful piece of code. Scientific computing is the interdisciplinary study that merges computing, mathematics, and a problem domain in order to solve such problems. In this talk, we will discuss some introductory and philosophical principles of the discipline and then we are going to present some previous and current projects related to Numerical Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, Simulations based on Navier-Stokes and Level Set Method, Swarm Intelligence, Simulation Based Optimization, and Traffic Flow Simulation.

Israel Pineda received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at Chonbuk National University, South Korea. His research areas converge between mathematics Applied and computer science. During my program Ph.D., I worked on the creation of fluid and sheet simulations, this work is based on the numerical solution of partial derivative equations. Thanks to this experience, I have explored several disciplines in which applied mathematics is evidenced at its best, these include numerical analysis, scientific computing, high-performance computing, computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, virtual and augmented reality.